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24 hour Alarm Receiving Center

Nothing can replace the 24-hour service of a Signal Reception Center that is always available to you. In every attempt of threat or burglary in your space, we utilize every means provided by technology, to verify every incident, completing the necessary actions with top response times.

HERMES Alarm Receiving Centre manages over 10 millions of signals from thousands of monitored systems every month. The state-of-the-art software with its artificial intelligence capabilities, processes, analyses, prioritises and forwards to users for further action, over a million of those signals.

Our personnel is specialised and continuously trained, we keep high operational standards, use latest technology systems and maintain the highest negative incidents prevention effectiveness, whilst we also comply with all applicable European security and software standards.

The installation of a Security system in your space, can form a means of 100% prevention of any intrusion, only when connecting the alarm with a reliable Alarm Receiving Centre. HERMES constantly monitors the correct system operation and notifies you, your colleagues/relatives and the relevant authorities, in any case of danger.

Connect your system with the First in Greece Signal Reception Center. Our truly unique capabilities, top services and expertise in demanding needs, define the points we have been superior to, for four decades in the security industry.